Good Friday prayer in front of Lockheed Martin in California results in 3 arrests


photo by Susan Crane

From the Redwood City Catholic Worker website

About 50 people gathered at Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale, California to reflect and pray about the consequences of war and empire to the earth and all life on the earth.

Under the umbrella of the Pacific Life Community,  Catholic Workers, people in religious orders, students from Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, and many, many friends gathered to remember those who suffer today.

Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest military contractor and a full-service weapons maker. Lockheed makes, among other things, missiles that carry Trident nuclear warheads, and hellfire missiles that are used by drones.

After the Stations of the Cross, three people walked up to the Lockheed Martin gates. When stopped by police, they knelt down in prayer.

Mary Jane Parrine, Ed Emhke and Fr. Steve Kelly, SJ were cuffed and held by the Sunnyvale police. Parrine was released, after being given a citation for trespass. She has a court date in the Santa Clara Superior Court on June 4, 2014. Emhke and Kelly are being held over Easter and are expected to go to court Tuesday or Wednesday.

Besides the Stations of the Cross, the group had a “Bake Sale” for the conversion of Lockheed Martin.  The signs on the table said  “Buns not Bombs” and “Scones not Drones”.