Monthly Archive for March, 2012

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Bradley Manning prosecution incurably infected by government misconduct

Attorney argues that prosecution’s misconduct leaves dismissal as the only option

By Kevin Zeese. March 20, 2012 – Bradley Manning Support Network

Courtroom sketch, Bradley Manning’s pretrial hearing

Last week I spent two days in court for a pretrial motions hearing in the court martial of Bradley Manning, the private accused of leaking documents to WikiLeaks that showed widespread unethical and illegal behavior by the Department of Defense and State Department.  Manning has suffered the fate the Queen put on Alice when she was in Wonderland, ” Sentence first — verdict afterwards. ” By the time his court martial is actually held he will have been incarcerated for more than two years, one of those years was spent in solitary confinement. But, that is only one of many obvious injustices Manning is being subjected to.

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Seven women arrested after closing Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant on originally scheduled date

Locking the Gate, from left, Frances Crowe, Hattie Nestel, Anneke Corbett, Ellen Graves, and Paki Wieland. photo by Marcia Gagliardi

from the Shut it Down affinity group

Seven women of the Shut It Down Affinity Group chained the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant gate shut at about 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, the power plant’s fortieth birthday and the date it was originally scheduled to close.

The plant’s operating license expired on Wednesday. Entergy Corporation continues the nuclear plant’s function courtesy of a twenty-year extension and the recent decision of federal Judge J. Garvan Murtha, whose order allows the plant to operate despite appeals surrounding lawsuits from concerned citizens who want Vermont Yankee to close.

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Two hundred anti-nuclear protesters arrested in India

 (Photo: TEHELKA)
Published on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 by Common Dreams

Green signal for nuclear power ‘is a red signal for our lives’

After thousands gathered in Idinthikarai, Tamil Nadu, India on Monday, March 19 to protest the vastly contested Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant there, police forces came out en masse to repress demonstrations. Over 200 protesters have been arrested including key anti-nuclear organizers.

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Three month prison sentence for anti-nuclear court graffiti protest

Political graffiti at Dumbarton Sheriff Court

from Trident Ploughshares

Two peace activists were sentenced today in Dumbarton (Scotland) Sheriff Court for painting “political graffiti” on the walls of the court following a 2010 trial in which they maintained that the court did not uphold international law with respect to the illegality of the Trident nuclear weapon system. Barbara Dowling, a retired Occuptational Therapist, 67, of Knightswood was given 3 months in prison and Janet Fenton, 64, Secretary of Scottish CND was given 120 hours Community Service.

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Pacific Life Community’s “Occupy Vandenberg” ends with 13 arrests


Photo courtesy

Thirteen people from the Pacific Life Community were arrested on Monday, March 12, as they blocked the roadway to the main gate at Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast.

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Livermore, thirty years on

by | March 1, 2012
Direct Action, by Luke Hauser

Thirty years ago today a handful of us nonviolently blocked the South Gate of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a top-secret nuclear weapons lab in Northern California.  Most of us were sentenced to a week in the local county jail. It was my first arrest.

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Women paint for peace at Glasgow recruiting office

Three women painted the windows of the Army recruiting office in Glasgow, Scotland on March 1 in protest at the dishonest propaganda used to persuade young people to join up.

At 8 a.m., Barbara Dowling and Leonna O’Neill painted in large colourful letters “DON’T JOIN UP. DON’T BELIEVE THE LYING ADVERTS”, “GUNS, BOMBS, TANKS? NO THANKS” and “NO TO WAR” on the windows of the Queen Street office. Mary Millington handed out leaflets telling the story of a young man who joined the army to make his Mum feel proud and ended up being badly injured in Afghanistan.

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~ Prison reflection from William “Bix” Bichsel, SJ

A Lenten Call:  Give Up Our Violence!

Note from Leonard Eiger, Disarm Now Plowshares: This is a reflection written over the course of two days by William “Bix” Bichsel, SJ during his 30-day stay in solitary confinement at the SeaTac Federal Detention Center. Bix began this reflection on Friday, February 3, 2012, the third day of his second (four day) fast, which was in solidarity with U.S. political prisoner Leonard Peltier.

As I rubbed my hand down the surface of my bony body, a thought came to me that I was sanding down my dry, itchy skin to be a parchment for things I would like to write down about proclaiming the Gospel – the Good News.

The things I want to relate come out of living in a 24 hour lock-down, single cell in a federal prison for 30 days. During 19 of those days I fasted from solid food and drank only water and 2 small cartons of milk a day. During 29 of those days I did not sleep a wink at night and lay awake scratching and itching and tensing my muscles and stretching to get a position to sleep. No sleep came.

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