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The latest nuclear missile provocation came in the dark, with an unbeastly roar that pierced the chilly coastal fog in the wee hours of February 25. A shimmering light rose above the clouds and arched over the Pacific Ocean, the incomparable threat to distant enemies reaffirmed.
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The Nuclear Resister February, 2012 IN THIS E-BULLETIN: 1) BRADLEY MANNING FORMALLY CHARGED WITH AIDING THE ENEMY, DEFERS PLEA – call your government representative: dismiss all of Manning’s charges 2) RAFIL DHAFIR SENTENCED TO SAME 22 YEARS IN PRISON – donations needed to file appeal 3) LONDON’S MINISTRY OF DEFENCE HQ MARKED ON ASH […]
One hundred and fifty people gathered at an Ash Wednesday event organised by Pax Christi and the London Catholic Worker in repentance and resistance to British nuclear weapons. The group proceeded to the M.O.D. building on White Hall, as activists broke off to mark the building that controls British nuclear weapons. Seven Catholic Workers, a Quaker, a doctor and a priest were detained and searched.
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No date set for WikiLeaks suspect’s trial but Manning’s lawyer says he would object to any delay in the trial beyond June
Bradley Manning, the American soldier accused of being the source of the biggest leak of US state secrets in history, was on Thursday formally charged with aiding the enemy, during the first day of his court martial. If found guilty, he faces a maximum sentence of life in military custody with no chance of parole.
Manning, 24, deferred his plea to the 22 charges against him, and deferred a decision over whether he wanted a military judge or a jury to hear his case. A plea can be deferred right up until the beginning of his military trial, which is unlikely to take place before August.
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Lending heart to the campaign to end nuclear power forever, the nine women of the Shut It Down Affinity Group brought a Shut It Down Valentine on Monday to the headquarters of Entergy Corporation, which operates the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon.
Each wearing a Shut It Down Valentine for Entergy, the death-masked women processed for about twenty minutes in a silent circle in Entergy’s driveway. Every several seconds, one of the women struck a small gong to signify the death knell for Entergy, the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, and nuclear power everywhere.
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At 10:15 a.m. on February 9, William “Bix” Bichsel, SJ was released from SeaTac Federal Detention Center. According to Theresa Power-Drutis, Bix’s first request was to “head over the bridge to Bangor.” His second request was a latte. His chauffeurs went for the second request. With all the milk he consumed during his liquids-only fasts while in solitary he seems to have rediscovered a desire for dairy products.
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Update from Katherine Hughes, For the Dr. Dhafir Support Committee.
On Friday, February 3rd, in Syracuse, New York, U.S. District Judge Norman Mordue resentenced Dr. Rafil Dhafir to 22 years in prison, in large part because he is unrepentant about sending food and medicine to starving Iraqi civilians in violation of International Economic Emergency Powers Act (IEEPA). According to UN estimates, between 1 and 1.5 million Iraqi civilians died as a direct result of the U.S. and U.K.-sponsored UN sanctions against Iraq. Dr. Dhafir made the correct moral choice and undertook the obligation imposed on all American citizens by Nuremberg Principle IV, to reduce the genocidal consequences of sanctions, by open assistance of food and medicine to Iraqi children and adults via his Charity Help the Needy for 13 years.
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