Monthly Archive for July, 2011

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Fr. Carl Kabat arrested at Kansas City Plant construction site

Kansas City Plant construction site


Fr. Carl Kabat entered the construction site of the new nuclear bomb factory in Kansas City, Missouri at approximately 10:00 p.m. on July 3.  At dawn on July 4 he had broken the cab windows of a couple of large pieces of construction equipment present there, and hung a small hand-made sign declaring “Nuclear Weapons are a Crime Against God and Humanity”.  After looking about the empty construction site for someone to “make confession to,” Kabat crawled under a fence near the gate and approached a security shack outside the gate.  Guards noticed him and Kabat was taken into custody and police were summoned to the site.  Kabat was arrested and taken to the downtown Kansas City, Missouri jail.  He was charged with trespass and released at 4 a.m. on July 5, then took a bus home to St. Louis.  He is due in court again August 16.  Carl’s statement is below.

I, Fr. Carl Kabat, omi, have been pondering an appropriate way to celebrate the fourth of July, commonly called Independence Day. Today it would be more appropriate to call it Interdependence Day since all of us live on this small planet Earth. To show my patriotism and love for my country and the good of my country, I have decided on a pruning hook action in Kansas City, Missouri.

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~ From the Irwin County Detention Center, by Michael Walli



The U.S. and Russia are supposedly allies in fighting Islamic terrorism.  But they do not trust one another – they spy upon one another.  The U.S. Navy Seals used trained porpoises to spy upon the Russian Navy in their naval warfare activities.  But the Russian sailors kidnapped the porpoises.  This leave the U.S. Navy in the position of trying to defeat their own porpoises.

June 16, 2011

Greetings.  My name is Michael Walli, a prisoner at Ocilla, Georgia awaiting my scheduled September 19 sentencing for protest activities at the illegal state terrorism Y-12 nuclear weapons of mass destruction site operated by the U.S. military failed state government.

I will not be able to attend the scheduled August dedication of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial near the western end of the Mall in Washington, D.C.  As Dr. King said in his life, “The U.S. is the chief purveyor of violence in the world… we have guided missiles and misguided men.”  He also said, “It seems that I can hear God say to America:  You are too arrogant.  If you do not change your ways I will destroy the backbone of your power.”

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Fifteen women arrested after advocating for solar power at Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant

Photo by Cindy Stahler. At the police station after their release pending a July 19 court appearance in Brattleboro’s Windham County Court.

Fifteen women, the largest ever contingent of the Shut It Down Affinity Group to date, were arrested Thursday afternoon, June 30, at the Entergy Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant.  The women were charged with trespass after advocating for replacing nuclear power with solar power.

Shut-It-Downers included three women in their nineties: Valerie Mullen, 90, of Vershire, Vermont; Frances Crowe, 92, of Northampton, Massachusetts, and Lea Wood, 94, of Montpelier, Vermont.

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Trial postponed, Korean bases opponent Sung-Hee Choi remains in jail

Sung-Hee Choi (r) holding a banner at navy base construction site, Jeju Island, Korea.

The next court date in the continuing trial of imprisoned Korean peace activist Sung-Hee Choi has been twice-postponed, and is now set for July 15.
Sung-Hee has been jailed since May 19, and has twice engaged in week-long prison fasts to highlight opposition to the construction of a naval base at Gangjeong village on Jeju Island. She is also demanding that police dismiss her fabricated charges and apologize for her illegal arrest: she was simply holding a protest banner at the time, which read “Do not touch any stone or any flower”, while others have repeatedly engaged in direct nonviolent resistance against construction crews and equipment.

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Witness Against Torture interrupts House of Representatives with call to “Close Guantanamo”

Press Release from Witness Against Torture

June 23, 2011, Washington, DC –

While the U.S. House of Representatives chamber filled for a vote today at 4:40pm, Representatives’ eyes and ears turned toward the Chamber’s gallery as a group of activists interrupted proceedings to call for the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison and denounce provisions in the Defense Appropriations Bill concerning detention policy.

Fifteen people from the group Witness Against Torture stood in the gallery to read the following statement:

“Today the House of Representative is in the process of contemplating not the passage of a bill but the commission of a crime. Provisions in the proposed Defense Appropriations Bill grant the United States powers over the lives of detained men fitting of a totalitarian state that uses the law itself as an instrument of tyranny. The law would make the prison at Guantanamo permanent by denying funds for the transfer of men to the United States, even for prosecution in civilian courts.

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Food Not Bombs co-founder jailed in Florida

graphic by Keith McHenry,

During the month of June, police in Orlando, Florida arrested 21 members and supporters of the local Food Not Bombs group as they fed hungry people in a city park.  All were handcuffed and taken to jail for violating a city ordinance strictly limiting and requiring permits for such charity.
Orlando Food Not Bombs challenged the ordinance in court for five years, but the city prevailed in the federal appeals court last April. 

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Prayer vigilers busted at Los Alamos National Laboratory

The LANL Fathers Day Five, ready for a prayer-action.

At the conclusion of a 24-hour prayer vigil outside the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), five peaceful demonstrators were arrested on June 20 outside the construction site of the new Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) facility, a critical part of new U.S. nuclear weapons production.
Trinity Nuclear Abolition (TNA) held the vigil with members of Veterans for Peace, Pax Christi New Mexico, Pax Christi Holy Family, Trinity House Catholic Worker, and Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping in honor of Fathers’ Day and Holy Trinity Sunday.

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