Monthly Archive for June, 2011

Nuclear Resister Issue #162



~ From FCI Dublin, by Susan Crane

photo by Leonard Eiger

Thank you for your letters, your prayers, the books you have sent.  Thanks for maintaining contact with me.

I arrived at the federal prison here in California, flown in with 29 other women from Pahrump, Nevada.  We had been woken up at midnight to get ready to leave, and had been in shackles and waistchain restraints and cuffs since about 3 am.  Although I had been trying to be indifferent about where I’d be living for the next year, I was thankful to end up at FCI Dublin.

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Two reflections from May’s Midwest Catholic Worker resistance retreat & action at the Kansas City Plant


by Marcy Haugh

I’ve always wanted to learn the Thriller dance.  Coordinated dances with others always seem like such a fun concept!  However, I never imagined in a million years that the first time I danced to this Michael Jackson song as part of a coordinated group would be at an action protesting the building of a plant for nuclear weapons parts.  But there I was – fully decked out in a zombie mask and costume – counting down the song’s measures for my cue to creep out zombie-style from behind the “church” where “the bomb” was worshipped.  As the cue came, we began our performance – dancing and acting for a world that chose transformation over annihilation.  This particular action was our way of responding with creative nonviolence to the threat of destruction embodied by the plant’s existence.

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~ From the Irwin County Detention Center, Georgia, by Bonnie Urfer



by Bonnie Urfer

I really want to complain about every woman in this jail receiving one roll of toilet paper to last for the whole week but I can’t because the for profit jail almost killed my friend Jackie in it’s “medical” unit.

I really want to complain about the lack of toilet paper but I can’t because Doris walked around with a broken arm for a month before she was taken to the hospital to have it x-rayed and casted.

I want to complain about the toilet paper but I can’t because my friend Ardeth couldn’t eat for most of a month when she didn’t get her medication, neither did Leslie, and Misty who’s a diabetic never gets her sugar tested.

And then there’s the woman who broke her ankle and wasn’t taken to the hospital for a week, and the woman who had open heart surgery and three weeks later was dumped in here on a probation violation near the end of a 5 year term.

When really, I just want to complain because I don’t have enough toilet paper.

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The Nuclear Resister needs funds – please help!

June 6, 2011

Dear friends,

From our perspective editing and publishing the Nuclear Resister for more than 30 years now, we take heart in the fact that today there are more people in prison for anti-nuclear actions than there have been for more than a decade.

Of course, we’d rather there be no reason to risk arrest and endure imprisonment. But that’s not the case.

Those of us who are paying attention are not lulled by Obama’s nuclear arms rhetoric.  We’re fully aware of the $100 billion pledged to renew the U.S. nuclear weapons production and delivery capability.  And we heard him loud and clear, under the plume of the greatest nuclear power catastrophe in history at Fukushima, when he assured the American people (and the nuclear industry) that his administration will move forward with a new generation of U.S. nuclear power plants.

But in the face of this reality, we see signs of hope.

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E-Bulletin May 2011

The Nuclear Resister E-bulletin, May, 2011 URGENT!  Support needed for imprisoned activist On May 28, supporters learned that imprisoned nuclear resister Jackie Hudson was experiencing severe chest pain and pressure, as well as difficulty breathing.  The privately run Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia has refused to date (May 30) to take her to the […]


Jackie Hudson goes from jail to hospital

Sr. Jackie Hudson. Photo by Leonard Eiger, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

A 76-year-old nun and peace activist was hospitalized after being denied medical care at a federally contracted private detention facility.

Sister Jackie Hudson, OP, age 76, who has been in prison since her conviction on federal trespassing charges resulting from her peaceful protest at the Y-12 nuclear weapons facility last July, was hospitalized for serious medical complications resulting from being denied care while at the Irwin County Detention Center, a federally contracted private detention facility in Ocilla, Georgia.

Hudson was one of eight people in federal custody awaiting sentencing for an anti-nuclear demonstration at the Y-12 nuclear weapon site at Oak Ridge Tennessee.

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~ From the Blount County Correctional Facility, TN, by Carol Gilbert, O.P.


May 25, 2011

Dear Friends,

Welcome to another of America’s gulags – this one in Eastern TN – the Blount County Correctional Facility in Maryville, TN!
This is day number 15 and I want to begin the journey with a quote from Jarhead by Anthony Swofford and his experiences as a Marine in Operation Desert shield. “What follows is neither  true nor false but what I know.”…and heard, saw, tasted, smelled and touched.

DAY 1. Around 7:30 p.m. we are placed in a typical holding cell with no mattresses, 2 benches of concrete, toilet/sink combo and blanket given many hours later.
We are taken out one by one for processing which consists of answering typical intake forms, fingerprints, picture and hospital type bright orange arm bands to distinguish us from the county folks wearing blue/white armbands, the de-liceing shower and stripped uniforms (black and white if new; shades of grey if older (the color everything becomes) and flip flops for shoes. The one pair of old socks, underpants and t-shirt must last until commissary. We were supposed to get two of everything but they have run out with 2-300 extra. So no laundry bag or crate either. We make an attempt to sleep on the concrete slabs but it’s a long night. We tell stories, laugh, sing.

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Yang sprung from jail by growing pressure on South Korean government

A weak and thin Yang Yoon-Mo (right) released from jail after 60 day hunger strike

by Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space

Professor Yang was released from jail today. He was sentenced to one and one-half years in jail with a suspended sentence but with two years probation. There can be no doubt that the international outcry on his behalf has helped spring him from the jailhouse.

Regina Pyon, staff person at SPARK in South Korea, reports, “Yang didn’t mention yet about his hunger strike. The first word he spoke was ‘Is Gangjeong peaceful?’ and ‘My struggle will be continued to the end. Gangjeong villagers are the teacher who led me to the road of justice.’

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