Monthly Archive for February, 2011
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February 27, 2011
Greetings Disarm Now Plowshares Supporters!
In just over one month our dear Disarm Now Plowshares 5 – Anne, Bix,
Lynne, Steve and Susan – will walk into the Union Station Courthouse
in Tacoma once more, this time to face sentencing following their
conviction resulting from their November 2009 Plowshares action.
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February 27, 2011
Mark Kenney was sentenced to a six month prison term on February 25, for stepping across the line at Offutt Air Force Base. The Nagasaki Day (August 9) demonstration was part of an annual vigil and protest at the home of the U.S. Strategic Command, overseer of the nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal. Federal Magistrate Judge Thomas D. Thalken accepted Kenney’s guilty plea, and noted that Kenney’s prior record of line crossing at Offutt resulted in his serving 30 day, 45 day and two six month sentences (the two six months sentences being given by Judge Thalken).
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February 8, 2011

Georgina Smith
Anti-Trident Woman Released Early from Prison
Eight-one year old Georgina Smith was released yesterday from Cornton Vale Womens Prison ten days early after an anonymous benefactor paid the compensation order she had refused to pay.
Upon release Georgina said “I am fine. I’m not a frail old granny. Anti-nuclear people don’t fade away as soon as they are eighty. They go on resisting these beastly weapons. It was very kind of whoever paid my fine to do so, but what they don’t realize is that when we do these actions we want to take responsibility for them ourselves, even if that means going to prison.”
Georgina served thirteen days of the 45 day sentence for refusing to pay £1,500 compensation
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February 3, 2011

Sylvia Boyes
Sixty-seven year old Sylvia Boyes, a Quaker from Keighley, appeared today at Bingley Magistrates Court. She was sentenced to 14 days in New Hall Prison for refusing to pay fines arising from a series of protests against Trident in and around Faslane Naval Base in Scotland during the summer of 2009.
Boyes is the third peace activist sentenced to prison in the United Kingdom in two weeks. Eighty-one year old Georgina Smith was jailed a week ago for 45 days for refusal to pay a £3000 compensation order for her part in painting the Scottish High Court, also in protest against Trident. Chris Cole was sentenced January 19 to 30 days for nonpayment of fines from a graffiti protest at a 2009 London arms trade fair. Cole was just released February 2. With statutory credit, Boyes should be released after about one week.
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February 3, 2011

Felton Davis of the New York Catholic Worker has put together a special collection of articles from the Catholic Worker newspaper, appearing between 1955 and 1961, dealing with nuclear weapons and the threat of all-out war.
Davis writes that he believes the deceased writers “would all be rolling over in their graves,” to see William J. Broad’s article in the December 16 New York Times: “U.S. Rethinks Strategy for the Unthinkable.” The article describes the Obama administration regurgitating the conclusion of a Reagan-era official who claimed that “with enough shovels” to cover each other in dirt for a few days, nuclear war wouldn’t be so bad.
“‘It’s more survivable than most people think,’ said an [Obama] official deeply involved in the planning…”
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