Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu began serving a three month prison sentence on May 23. Details here. He wrote on his website “WHILE I AM IN PRISON, I DON’T WANT TO GET ANY LETTERS OR ANY MAIL. FROM ANY ONE.“ Before turning himself in, Vanunu made a public statement decrying the failure of governments, the media, and religion to protect his freedom, which was quoted in numerous press reports:
From Haaretz: “The stupid Shin Bet and Mossad spies are putting me back in prison after 24 years of speaking nothing but the truth. Shame on you democracy, the Knesset, synagogues and the world media. Shame on you all the Arabs that are allowing me to be put back in prison. Shame on you Senate, congress, and the chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency for not protecting my freedom. Shame on you all the world’s religions, the stupid spies, the Jews, Christians and Muslims.
“Everyone knows that Israel has nuclear weapons, but no one is talking about it… The world doesn’t want nuclear weapons – not in Israel, not in the Middle East and not anywhere in the world,” he said.
A video of Vanunu making his statement can be viewed here.